These might only be funny to me

I'm currently working on a comic that uses a more time-consuming style than my previous comics so I won't be posting it for another week or so. 

In the mean time, here are some comics I recently dug up which I made at approximately 5 or 6 years old which I personally still think are funny:

"The Candy"

(Mom: No candy honey!) (Me: Why?)
 (Mom: No!!!! Because I said so!) (Me: But I want candy)
 (Mom: Just one piece, okay?) (Me: OK!!!)
 (Mom: I said just one!) (Me: munch munch)
 (Mom: *crying* Please stop eating candy) (Me: No, munch)

 "The Zoo"
This one's only two panels long but that's part of the reason I like it.

(Me: "Poor little animals in jail. They have no crime!!!!!!!!)
 (Me stealing keys from sleeping zookeeper)